Search Skin Biology

Hydrogels for Osteochondral
Tissue Engineering
Journal of Biomedical

(March 2020)
Anti-Wrinkle Activity
& Transdermal Delivery
of GHK Peptide
Journal of Peptide Science
(March 2020)
Pulsed Glow Discharge
to GHK-Cu Determination
International Journal
of Mass Spectrometry

(March 2020)
Protective Effects of GHK-Cu
in Pulmonary Fibrosis
Life Sciences
(January 2020)
Anti-Wrinkle Benefits
of GHK-Cu Stimulating
Skin Basement Membrane
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
(January 2020)
Structural Analysis
Molecular Dynamics of
Skin Protective
TriPeptide GHK
Journal of Molecular Structure
(January 2020)
In Vitro / In Vivo Studies
pH-sensitive GHK-Cu in
Superabsorbent Polymer
GHK Enhances
Stem Cells Osteogenesis
Acta Biomaterialia
Antibacterial GHK-Cu
Nanoparticles for
Wound Healing
Particle & Particle (2019)
Effect of GHK-Cu
on Stem Cells and
Relevant Genes
OBM Geriatrics
GHK Alleviates
Neuronal Apoptosis Due
to Brain Hemorrhage
Frontiers in Neuroscience
Endogenous Antioxidant
International Journal of Pathophysiology and Pharmacology (2018)
Regenerative and
Protective Actions of
GHK-Cu Peptide
International Journal of
Molecular Sciences
Skin Regenerative and
Anti-Cancer Actions
of Copper Peptides
GHK-Cu Accelerates
Scald Wound Healing
Promoting Angiogenesis
Wound Repair and

GHK Peptide Inhibits
Pulmonary Fibrosis
by Suppressing TGF-β1
Frontiers in Pharmacology
Skin Cancer Therapy
with Copper Peptides
The Effect of Human
Peptide GHK Relevant to
Nervous System Function
and Cognitive Decline
Brain Sciences (2017)
Effects of Tripeptide
GHK in Pain-Induced
Aggressive Behavior
Bulletin of Experimental
Biology & Medicine
GHK-Cu Elicits
In Vitro Alterations
in Extracellular Matrix
Am Journal of Respiratory
and Critical Care Medicine

Selected Biomarkers &
Copper Compounds
Scientific Reports

GHK-Cu on Collagen,
Elastin, and Facial Wrinkles
Journal of Aging Science
Tri-Peptide GHK-Cu
and Acute Lung Injury

Effect of GHK Peptide
on Pain Sensitivity
Experimental Pharmacology

New Data of the
Cosmeceutical and
TriPeptide GHK
SOFW Journal
GHK Peptide as a
Natural Modulator of
Multiple Cellular Pathways
in Skin Regeneration
BioMed Research (2015)
Resetting Skin Genome
Back to Health
Naturally with GHK
Textbook of Aging Skin
GHK-Cu May Prevent
Oxidative Stress in Skin
by Regulating Copper and
Modifying Expression of
Numerous Antioxidant Genes Cosmetics (2015)
GHK Increases
TGF-β1 in
Human Fibroblasts

Acta Poloniae

The Human Skin Remodeling Peptide Induces Anti-Cancer
Expression and DNA Repair Analytical Oncology
Resetting the
Human Genome to Health
BioMed Research
Enhanced Tropic Factor Secretion of Mesenchymal
Stem Cells with GHK
Acta Biomater
Anxiolytic (Anti-Anxiety)
Effects of GHK Peptide
Bulletin of Experimental
Biology & Medicine
Lung Destruction and
its Reversal by GHK
Genome Medicine
TriPeptide GHK Induces
Programmed Cell Death
of Neuroblastoma
Journal of Biotechnology
Stem Cell
Recovering Effect
of GHK in Skin
Peptide Science
Skin Penetration of
Copper Tripeptide in Vitro
Journal of International
Inflammation Research
Possible Therapeutics
for Colorectal Cancer
Journal of Clinical and
Experimental Metastasis
Methods of Controlling
Differentiation and
Proliferation of Stem Cells
Effects of
Copper Tripeptide
on Irradiated Fibroblasts
American Medical Association
Avoid Buying Fake Copper Peptides Dangerous

Dr. Pickart’s Copper Peptides – from Magic to Science


Ancient mages and alchemists striving to find the Fountain of Youth were the first to discover the remarkable rejuvenating effects of young blood. For centuries, young blood was a key ingredient in many magic potions. However, it was not until the twentieth century when the ancient magic of rejuvenation finally received scientific validation.

Scientists had been interested in the youth preserving ingredients of young blood for years. In 1973, Dr. Loren Pickart (then a young scientist working on his PhD thesis in San Francisco) observed that when blood from young patients was added to liver cells obtained from older patients, old liver cells began to secrete proteins characteristic of young cells.

When blood from older patients was added to young liver cells, those cells started producing proteins like old cells. Dr. Pickart was then able to isolate the ingredient responsible for this rejuvenating effect, a peptide consisting of only three amino acids – glycine, histidine and lysine.

The most remarkable quality of this peptide was its high affinity for copper ions. Now, this molecule is known as tripeptide GHK-Cu, where GHK represent three amino acids – glycine-histidine-lysine- and Cu stands for copper (II).


For information, see the following chapters:

How to Care for Sensitive and Extra Dry Skin

The Pandora's Box Opened – Discoveries Pile Up

asdfIn those days, Dr. Pickart possessed no idea what kind of Pandora's Box he had opened. Would his discovery bring only hard work or hope and pleasure to many? Adding momentum to this growing scientific movement, a group in France began investigating the remarkable wound healing properties of GHK-Cu, and they observed its ability to boost collagen, elastin and DNA production in skin.

More wound healing studies followed in different laboratories all over the world – GHK was discovered to heal such difficult to manage wounds as diabetic and ischemic wounds, to help heal bones and ligaments (even horses’ hoofs), improve hair growth, repair skin cells damaged by X-rays (DNA repair), and improve blood vessel growth, accelerating healing processes.

Researchers found that it also demonstrated remarkable anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. A number of clinical studies showed its ability to improve the appearance of aging skin – to reduce wrinkles and mottled pigmentation, and to improve skin elasticity and thickness; this small, blue molecule is now recognized as an essential anti-aging agent. Recent investigation indicates that this molecule is also an effective gene regulator. GHK was selected out of 1,309 compounds studied as one of the two molecules that can down-regulate expression of 70% of genes that are overexpressed in aggressive metastatic cancer, preventing healthy tissue from becoming malignant.

Dr. Pickart’s Skin Research

GHK Molecule DiscoverySince many effects of the GHK-Cu peptide were observed in skin and hair, Dr. Pickart eventually developed a keen interest in skin and its various disorders. He noticed a great similarity between the skin remodeling process in the course of wound healing and skin rejuvenation. Could there be an inexpensive way to present this regenerative small protein fragment to the general public? In 1985, Dr. Pickart started a company (Procyte) to turn his discoveries into useful products.

Between 1986 and 1990, he found that creams containing GHK-Cu, when applied to human skin, increased the thickness of the dermis and epidermis, increased skin elasticity, improved wrinkles and pigmentation and resulted in removing imperfections such as blotchiness and damage marks.

Today, Dr. Pickart continues to investigate the useful properties of the GHK-Cu peptide. A second generation of copper-peptides has been developed with even more pronounced skin rejuvenating properties.

In the four decades that he has spent researching the causes and mechanisms of aging, Dr. Pickart couldn't help but notice how often cosmetic products that promise skin improvement actually do the opposite, damaging the skin and hampering its natural healing processes.

Alternatively, he recommends a gentle, easy-to-use approach that allows for babying the skin back to health, assisting inherent repair forces within the skin. Consumers should tackle their skin care issues by using reputable products that are rigorously tested for safety, purity, and efficacy.

Your Skin Has Power

John-William-Godward---Yes-or-NoYour skin is endowed with regenerative power. This means that given an adequate supply of nutrients, protection from environmental assaults and available regenerative regulators, it will heal itself, repair damage, rebuild its structures and restore its glowing appearance and natural resilience.

Many methods used by modern cosmetology bring fast and impressive results. However, since they violate the skin’s biology and impair natural protective systems, the effects do not last. Sometimes, skin looks worse by morning – Cinderella becomes Count Dracula.

Only by respecting the skin’s biology, by following its rules and obeying its laws, can we reverse damage and turn back the wrinkled hands of time. The result may be not as quick as many modern treatments promise you, but if you learn to be patient and make it a habit to nurture your skin and support its regenerative power, you will be rewarded with a radiant appearance.

Explore this site to discover natural, effective methods of caring for your skin to avoid damage and to bring forth its radiant beauty. A flawless, attractive complexion has the power to influence and attract others, a gift of confidence that is well worth the wait.


The information provided on this website is for educational purposes only.
Any suggestions mentioned are not for the treatment or prevention of any skin disease or condition.
If you have a special skin concern, please consult a physician or dermatologist first.

Questions or Advice?

Ask Dr. Loren Pickart:

Call us at 1-800-405-1912 Monday through Friday (8 am to 6 pm) PST

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